
If it Wasn't for the Footprints

A poem by Zelda Quakawoot, Mackay, QLD

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If it wasn't for the footprints 
we wouldn't know about 'before'
Australia's history we have today 
would not make sense anymore.

If it wasn't for the footsteps 
which created the path we share 
our survival in this landscape 
would lead us to nowhere.

If it wasn't for the footpaths 
still here from long ago 
our heritage in writing 
would still reflect our woes.

If it wasn't for the footprints 
which were made into the sand 
the footprints of first Australians; 
our Aboriginal clans.

If it wasn't for their footsteps 
which carved the land and lore 
Australians could not know a history 
from this land that was 'before'.

Thank you Zelda for sharing this beautiful poem of yours!

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Korff, J 2020, If it Wasn't for the Footprints, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/arts/poems/if-it-wasnt-for-the-footprints>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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