Aboriginal newsletters you should subscribe to
Browse a selection of newsletters and mailing lists helping you learn about Aboriginal culture, topics and events.

Wishing you knew more about Aboriginal culture? Search no more.
Get key foundational knowledge about Aboriginal culture in a fun and engaging way.
This is no ordinary resource: It includes a fictional story, quizzes, crosswords and even a treasure hunt.
Stop feeling bad about not knowing. Make it fun to know better.
WGAR newsletter
The WGAR (Working Group for Aboriginal Rights) in Australia offers a free newsletter, WGAR News.
WGAR News is a group of more than 60 members who monitor the media, including alternative media, focusing on Aboriginal issues around Australia including the sovereignty movement, intervention, Aboriginal rights issues and upcoming Aboriginal rights events. About half of the staff is Aboriginal.
The newsletter contains links to a wide range of sources including Twitter handles, media releases, opinion pieces, news items, audio, videos and events.
Subscribers can expect to receive several emails a week. To subscribe, email [email protected] and include the words "subscribe WGAR News" in the message header.
Check out a sample WGAR newsletter.
Aboriginal Australian press clippings
Stay up-to-the-minute with Aboriginal affairs as reported by Australia’s print media, radio and TV by subscribing to this free service. You will get between 8 and 15 clippings a day.
This is perfect to subscribe to temporarily just before you visit Australia, or for longer if you need press clippings for your work.
Contact Trudy Bray who is managing the distribution list.
Trudy writes: “These postings are provided to the individual members of the group without permission from the copyright owners, for purposes of criticism, comment, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of the Federal copyright laws.”
Discussion group: RecOzNet2

The RecOzNet2 mailing list is a platform for debate and activism around reconciliation between immigrant Australian settlers and Aboriginal peoples.
Subscribe by visiting this site: au.groups.yahoo.com/group/recoznet2.
Koori Radio
Koori Radio is the only permanent Aboriginal community radio station in the Sydney region broadcasting since 1995. Koori Radio promotes and develops Aboriginal music and provides a platform for Aboriginal voice and opinion.
Their newsletter informs about events, gigs and radio programmes. It's published by the Gadigal Information Services which also organises the annual Australia Day survival celebration, Yabun.
You can subscribe to their newsletter at www.kooriradio.com.
German newsletter: Australien-Info

This free weekly German-language newsletter about Australia targets mainly travellers going to Australia. It covers travel news, economics, current events, weather and suggests books and TV programmes.
Most articles have links to the website of the service offered or other web-based resources. Australien-Info exists since November 1997 and is published by the DLP Software and Reiseservice GmbH.
Homepage: www.australien-info.com
Subscribe to the newsletter.