
Stand Strong

A poem by Zelda Quakawoot, Mackay, QLD

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Stand tall
Young brothers
And those who rise
Against demise,
Two centuries 
We have held this fire

Stand true
Our ancestors spirits
Are here…
Respect never retires

Stand up
We’ve marched
Our voices have been heard;

Stand here
Where we belong

Stand altogether
With our passionate hearts
For respect

We all stand strong.

Zelda was inspired to this poem by AFL player Adam Goodes standing up to the people who taunted and racially abused him.

"He stood tall for respect," she writes, "and this supports the efforts of other Indigenous profile players for keeping it real."

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Korff, J 2020, Stand Strong, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/arts/poems/stand-strong>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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