
The Real Me

A poem by Racheal Wilson from Perth, WA.

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Sold! Show me how No, thank you

I stand on this land
And hold out my hand

I ask you to see
The real me

I'm funny and smart
And I love art

I'm kind and cool
And I love this school

My teachers are great
And I'm a good mate

I'm just like you
I have fun too

But can you see the real me?
I'm a proud Aborigine.

Racheal explains how this poem came about:

"I wrote for one of my daughters to read in front of the school at an assembly to acknowledge NAIDOC Week. The inspiration for this poem came from my 9-year-old daughter who has been teased at school about who she is."

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Korff, J 2020, The Real Me, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/arts/poems/the-real-me>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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