A poem by Zelda Quakawoot, Mackay, Queensland

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They arrived in chains Stolen quietly from their lands Also taken violently Under a white man’s command Dispersed from their kinsmen Many became all alone In a land called the New Colony A horrid history arose This new history of progress Of wealth to behold Not a whisper to any Chained up in the hull, A history of slavery! Where stories not shared Of coloured bans and policies Of poison and dread The history of change For another’s demise First Nation Australians Also fought to survive The history still lingers Maybe the eras have changed The incarceration of freedom Is just progress in chains! Free all the slaves They serve you each day Down on their knees It’s for happiness they pray You can never reimburse Or return to the past These actions were owned By those the “Unjust” We must remember within Australian’s cultural vies Exist the descendants From the slaves of that time...
This poem is an ode to a Stolen Generation, taken for slavery, from the Pacific Islands.
Thank you Zelda for sharing your poem!
Note: "vies" is used as the plural of "vy" which, according to the Urban Dictionary, refers to "the prettiest girl that a human being can ever lay eyes on and the walking definition of what a beautiful girl is supposed to be".