
Walk to the Future

A poem by Nola Gregory, Geraldton, WA

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Walk to the Future

Let me walk to the future
In the footprints you leave
Be my life’s inspiration
Be the Culture I breathe

Wherever I may tread
I will learn of your ways
And carry it forward
Your legend I will raise

It is in you my Elders
I find wisdom to learn
In your presence I am honoured
I will listen and discern

For I am the future
Of this my beautiful race
I take what you teach me
And our Culture I embrace

Nola explains: "The poem is about our Elders and learning to walk in their footprints and being inspired by their teachings and embracing our Culture to keep it alive and passing it on to our future generations."

Thank you Nola for sharing your poem!

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Korff, J 2021, Walk to the Future, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/arts/poems/walk-to-the-future>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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