
Your Way – Our Way – The Truth

A poem by Zelda Quakawoot, Mackay, Queensland

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Your way

Tradition is replaced by authority
Respect is replaced by greed
What is happening to this nation,
Is the planting of an evil seed.

Culture is replaced by religion
This dominates the law
The heritage of this country
Is slipping out the door

Community is replaced by profit
Social issues stocks are down
It is easier to make up more rules
Since our voices are silent sounds

Security is replaced by wars
A nation so young to the slaughter
The old white leaders send to battle
The innocent sons and daughters

Custom is replaced by policy
So big and powerfully round
No equal rights for this nation
The quality of life goes down

History is shaped by education
Understanding is replaced by books
Technology replaces timelessness
They forgot about the land that was took

Our Way

Oppression can rise to the challenges
And determination is the key
Already exists a tradition
This inspired an historical need

To overcome all oppression
And continue to fight each day
A need to continue tradition
In respect of the cultural way

To stand proud and strong for history
Our Elders continually guide
Respect for the heritage of the first nation
'Cos it will continue to strive

For in a lifetime is purpose
Our customs passed on and on
Not based on material values
Just ensuring you know why it's wrong

The nation who replaced our traditions
Will always be fighting for more
Their children will be the first
To fight their parents' war

The colonials who replaced our tradition
Will always be fighting for more
And if you don't see it their way
They kick down your bloody door

And the truth

The nation who replaced respect
For the land and the culture they saw
They are the nation who raped the fabric
Of the first nation's custom and lore 

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View article sources (1)

[1] Koori Mail 419 p.26

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Korff, J 2020, Your Way – Our Way – The Truth, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/arts/poems/your-way-our-way-the-truth>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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