
Timeline results for 1400 to 2020

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Year from 1400, year to 2020, month is August

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  1. Self-determination

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma outlines the proposed model for a new national Indigenous representative body to fill the void since the demise of ATSIC in 2004. The model enables representation by Indigenous land councils, peak bodies and other Indigenous organisations, as well as a place for leaders operating at all levels. It has a 50/50 gender rule for representatives and an overseeing role of an ethics committee.

  2. The UN Rapporteur releases his statement on the NT intervention.


  1. Politics

    Noongar man Ken Wyatt becomes the first Aboriginal member of the House of Representatives in the federal parliament when he wins the Perth seat of Hasluck for the Liberal Party.

  2. Treaty

    The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination releases its Concluding Observations following a review of Australia’s compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Among other things the committee recommends that the government "consider the negotiation of a treaty agreement to build a constructive and sustained relationship with Indigenous peoples".

  3. Politics

    The UN Committee on the Eliminiation of Racial Discrimination (CERD) delivers a damning report on Australia’s failure to meet international commitments on eliminating discrimination.


  1. Protest

    After widespread outrage and a petition signed by 20,337 people Facebook removes a page of Aboriginal memes which portrays Aboriginal people as drunks who sniff petrol and bludge on welfare.


  1. Arts

    Tiwi Islander Rob Collins wins the role of the kind-hearted leader Mufasa in the Disney musical The Lion King.

  2. The High Court of Australia unanimously uphelds the Torres Strait Sea Claim, paving the way for native title rights to commercial fishing over 44,000 km2. It is the largest native title claim to sea country in Australia’s history in the Torres Strait. The claim was lodged in 2001 and initially had been part of the original Mabo case.

  3. Self-determination

    The Euahlayi Nation, whose traditional lands straddle the border in upper western NSW and lower southwest Queensland,  declares independence from the Commonwealth.


  1. Land & land rights

    Prime Minister Tony Abbott becomes the first prime minister to visit the grave of land rights campaigner Eddie Koiki Mabo on Murray Island in the Torres Strait.


  1. Arts

    A new law in Victoria allows Koorie people to protect and control the use of their culture and heritage by nominating for protection particular elements, e.g. traditional songs, stories, dance and art with significant spiritual and cultural connection to knowledge.

  2. Prison

    Amnesty International Australia reveals documents alleging abuse of Aboriginal youth in QLD detention centres at Townsville’s Cleveland Youth Detention Centre and Brisbane Youth Detention Centre from 2010 to 2015. Guards stripped children, used dogs to intimidate, used excessive force, put children for prolonged periods into isolation and used search techniques banned in adult prisons.

  3. Politics

    Northern Territory general election - The Yolgnu Nations Assembly selects Yingiya Mark Guyula as an independent candidate who promotes a treaty with the government.


  1. Recognition

    City of Yarra councillors in Melbourne vote unanimously to no longer refer to 26 January as Australia Day in all official documents and not hold citizenship ceremonies on that day to support the campaign to change Australia Day. Neighbouring Darebin council follows on 21 August.

  2. In a Statement from Eminent Australians, 210 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal signatories call for an immediate end to the intervention in the Northern Territory which they consider "an ongoing stain on the Australian nation".


  1. Stolen Generations

    A report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Healing Foundation reveals for the first time the direct link between the forced removal of tens of thousands of Aboriginal children from their families and the real-life symptoms of intergenerational trauma. It finds that Stolen Generations members are almost twice as likely as other Aboriginal people to rely on welfare payments and experience violence.

  2. Politics

    Scott 'ScoMo' Morrison becomes Australia's 30th Prime Minister.

  3. Massacres

    Northern Territory Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw apologises for the for state-sanctioned massacre of Aboriginal people at Coniston (200 kilometres north of Alice Springs). "As a police officer and commissioner I'm sorry for what has occurred." he says in a speech.


  1. Elders bury the remains of 11 Kaurna people in the Glenelg area, SA, which had returned to country from the UK to Canberra earlier this year. The remains of another 800 Kaurna people are still in storage at SA Museum warehouses.

  2. Sport

    Former AFL player and Barranbinya man Tony Armstrong makes his debut on Triple M, becoming the first Aboriginal person to call the AFL on commercial radio.


View article sources (4)

[1] 'Race Discrimination: UN Committee Releases Report and Recommendations on Australia', Human Rights Law Centre 27/8/2010, hrlc.org.au/race-discrimination-un-committee-releases-report-and-recommendations-on-australia-28-august-2010, retrieved 17/3/2015
[2] 'Statement of Eminent Australians on the continuing damage caused by the discrimination, racism and lack of justice towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, exemplified by the continuation of the Northern Territory Intervention', Concerned Australians, www.concernedaustralians.com.au/media/Eminent_Persons_Statement_Aug_2017.pdf, retrieved 29/8/2017
[3] Reconciliation News, Issue 40, October 2018
[4] 'Ancestral remains of the Kaurna people returned to country from UK in emotional Adelaide ceremony', ABC News 1/8/2019

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 1400 to 2020, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?page=2&q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=1400&yearTo=2020&month=8>, retrieved 5 May 2024

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