
Timeline results for 2009 to 2009

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Year from 2009, year to 2009, month is August

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  1. The Australian government refuses compensation despite the UN being 'concerned about a lack of adequate access to justice' for Indigenous people and recommending the government compensating victims of the Stolen Generations. The UN responded to a formal complaint submitted by the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement in March.

  2. Self-determination

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Tom Calma outlines the proposed model for a new national Indigenous representative body to fill the void since the demise of ATSIC in 2004. The model enables representation by Indigenous land councils, peak bodies and other Indigenous organisations, as well as a place for leaders operating at all levels. It has a 50/50 gender rule for representatives and an overseeing role of an ethics committee.

  3. The UN Rapporteur releases his statement on the NT intervention.


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[1] 'Federal Govt ignores UN Stolen Generations request', www.abc.net.au, 21/8/2009

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Korff, J 2024, Timeline results for 2009 to 2009, <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?q=&s=&category=any&yearFrom=2009&yearTo=2009&month=8>, retrieved 20 April 2024

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