
Nelson Aboriginal Studies Stage 6

Booktopia First Nations promotion


This beautiful resource was developed by a consortium of experts, including many Aboriginal authors, which makes it stand out and particularly valuable when researching Aboriginal sources.

Nelson Aboriginal Studies fills a gap in resources specific to the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies Syllabus but will also be a useful standalone reference for students and teachers in other states.

The book offers fresh perspectives and insights from some of the best Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal scholars. It is designed to provide an absorbing, complex and strategically balanced understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

It brings together a range of resources, interpretations, debates and perspectives for students to draw upon, providing a resource for teachers to teach a contemporary course.

The final section has comparisons with international indigenous communities, which teachers and students find challenging at present, ideal for HSC preparation; it places Australia in an international context.

Each chapter concludes with questions (good for teachers) and, surprisingly for a textbook, soundtrack and music resources related to the material.

Note, however, that the book is very focussed on New South Wales because is has been commissioned by the NSW Board of Studies and the NSW Department of Education.

About the authors

Aboriginal authors are bolded.

Dr Allison Cadzow is an author and researcher in Aboriginal education.

Prof. John Maynard (Worimi people), Director of Wollotuka, University of Newcastle.

Prof. Larissa Behrendt (Kamilaroi people), Professor of Law and Director of Jumbunna at University of Technology Sydney.

Prof. Gordon Briscoe (Marduntjara people), Associate Professor of Historical Demography at the Research School of Social Sciences at Australian National University.

Prof. Paul Chartrand, Indigenous Peoples' Counsel of the Canadian Indigenous Bar Association.

Prof. Heather Goodall is Professor of History in the School of Social Inquiry at University of Technology Sydney.

Ray Kelly (Dhangaritti and Anawain people) is a dancer, musician, storyteller, actor, playwright, director and artist.

Danny Lester is an Aboriginal man with many family connections, and an educator.

Nicole Watson (Birri Gubba people) is a solicitor, MA Laws QUT, and is currently completing her PhD at ANU.

Prof. Peter Read is Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Sydney.

Gary Foley (Gumbainggir people) is completing his PhD in Aboriginal history and lectures at the University of Melbourne and Victoria University.

Dr Romaine Moreton (Goernpil and Bundjalung people) is a writer of poetry, prose and film.

Dr George Morgan is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Cross Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney.

Djon Mundine (Bundjalung people) is a renowned curator, activist and writer.

Roz Stephens is an educator and ESL teacher from New Zealand, who has worked in Maori Health.

Prof. John Lester (Wonnarua people) is a leader in Aboriginal education and training.

Francis Peters-Little (Kamilaroi/Uralarai people) is a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney and a director of several films.

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Korff, J 2021, Nelson Aboriginal Studies Stage 6, <>, retrieved 26 March 2025

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