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Joanna Lindgren (Liberal National Party) is appointed a Senator by the Parliament of Queensland.
Leeanne Enoch (Australian Labor Party) is the first Aboriginal female elected to the Queensland Legislative Assembly, representing the seat of Algester in Queensland. Leeanne has since been appointed the Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Science and Innovation in Queensland.
William (Billy) Gordon (Australian Labor Party) is elected to the Queensland Legislative Assembly, representing the seat of Cook in Queensland.
The National Indigenous Times newspaper is up for sale due to mounting legal bills in two law suits against the paper.
Nunukul-Nughi woman Leeanne Enoch is set to become the first Aboriginal woman elected to Queensland Parliament.
Aboriginal people commence a sit-in in Canberra at Parliament House to confront politicians about the state of Aboriginal affairs around the country. They demand that the Commonwealth of Australia begins negotiations towards decolonisation with the goal of healing from the “devastation wreaked upon Aboriginal Nations and Peoples” by violations of human rights.
Aboriginal activist Faith Bandler dies, aged 96. She was a tireless social activist, best known for her 10-year campaign leading the landmark 1967 referendum that ensured Aboriginal Australians were counted as full citizens.
Yaegl woman Pauline Clague wins the 2015 Stanley Hawes Award for her extensive work in championing and producing the works of Australia’s emerging and Aboriginal filmmakers. Pauline was the Aboriginal training officer at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School from 2009 to 2013, developing more than 35 courses around Australia and training 650 Aboriginal people.
Third progress scorecard of the Stolen Generations Working Partnership.
Thousands of people rally in cities and towns around Australia protesting against the planned closure of around 150 remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.
The Queensland government offers a further $21 million in compensation for wages withheld from Aboriginal people.
The campaign against the forced closure of Aboriginal communities continues with a second international day of action, with more than 85 rallies across Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Hawaii, Hong Kong, China, UK and the USA.
Nyoongar elder Robert Isaacs is named Western Australian of the Year for helping set up Australia’s first Aboriginal school, Clontarf Aboriginal College, improving the justice system and helping to assist Aboriginal people achieve home ownership and housing security.
Museum Victoria returns the skull of Jim Crow, believed to have been a member of the Wonnarua people of the Hunter Valley. The skull was stolen from his grave in the early 1860s and later stored on Museum Victoria shelves for 126 years. [1]
On the 23rd anniversary of the landmark Mabo decision, Sydney Observatory honours Eddie Koiki Mabo’s legacy by naming a star after him (SSSC star Koiki, constellation: Crux).
Map of the South West Native Title Settlement area. (Graphic: WA government) After extensive negotiations the Western Australian government signs the South West Native Title Settlement, a set of six Indigenous Land Use Agreements with the Ballardong, Gnaala Karla Booja, South West Boojarah, Wagyl Kaip & Southern Noongar, Whadjuk and Yued groups. It is the largest and most comprehensive native title agreement to settle First Nations interests over land in Australia. The agreement covers 200,000 square kilometres of land, from Jurien on the west coast to Ravensthorpe in the south, and includes the Perth metro area. The settlement applies to Aboriginal Heritage Surveys on all land in the settlement area, including private land. After a lengthy court process, the settlement formally commences on 25 February 2021.
Denise Champion, an Adnyamathanha woman from the Flinders Ranges, becomes the first Aboriginal woman to be ordained as a Christian minister in South Australia.
The Legislative Council refers to the General Purpose Standing Committee No.3 the Inquiry into Reparations for the Stolen Generations in New South Wales.
The Western Australia Aboriginal Legal Service prepares a legal challenge to the Western Australian government's limited compensation offer for stolen wages.
After more than 12 months of ongoing racism by booing fans of opposing teams Adam Goodes withdraws from playing AFL for a week. In support of Adam some media start an “I Stand With Adam” campaign. 150 organisations join together to call for renewed efforts to stamp out racism in sport and everyday life. Goodes quits for good in September after 18 years of professional football.
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'Book tells of 19th century body-snatching and skull collecting', The Age 20/6/2015