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  1. The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese uses a Garma festival speech to suggest the question for a referendum on a First Nations voice to parliament:

    Proposed question: "Do you support an alteration to the constitution that establishes an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice?"

    Proposed words added to the Constitution:

    • There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to parliament and the executive government on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    • The parliament shall, subject to this constitution, have power to make laws with respect to the composition, functions, powers and procedures of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
  2. Treaty

    Queensland’s premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, accepts all 22 recommendations of a committee report into the state's treaty advancement. She intends to establish an independent First Nations Treaty Institute which will be responsible for developing a treaty-making framework for agreement with government. A three-year formal truth-telling inquiry will detail injustices faced by First Nations peoples.

  3. Arts Stamps
    One stamp shows painted crocodiles, the other figures of people.
    Rock art of the Kimberley: These pictographs were made by applying pigments to rock mixed with water, blood, plant juices or egg white.

    Australia Post releases two stamps featuring rock art from the north Kimberley's Wanjina Wunggurr community. One shows crocodiles, the other one Gwion Gwion figures.

  4. Land & land rights

    In a landmark decision, the UN Human Rights Committee finds that the Australian government has violated its human rights obligations to Torres Strait Islander people by not acting on climate change. A group of Islanders first filed the complaint in 2019, the first legal action brought by climate-vulnerable inhabitants of low-lying islands against a nation-state.

  5. Self-determination

    The Referendum Working Group and the Referendum Engagement Group hold their first meetings in Canberra. The groups will work with the government on the next steps to a referendum to enshrine a First Nations Voice in the Constitution. For members of both groups see the media release by the government.

  6. Arts
    Baker Boy's head with his left painted traditionally and his right in a more Western appearance.
    The cover of Baker Boy's album 'Gela'.

    Baker Boy (Danzal Baker) becomes the inaugural First Nations artist in the history of the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Music Awards who claims the Awards' top prize in its 35-year history.

    He wins album of the year for his debut full-length album Gela, and best solo artist. His album also wins for best hip-hop/rap release, best cover art (for designer Adnate), and best mixed album (for engineers Pip Norman, Andrei Eremin and Dave Hammer). At the National Indigenous Music Awards in August, Baker Boy won artist of the year and album of the year.

  7. Treaty

    The NSW Coalition government gives in-principle support to enshrine a First Nations Voice to parliament in the Constitution.

  8. Politics Recognition

    The Australian government scraps the requirement for citizenship ceremonies to be held on Australia Day (January 26). Councils can now schedule ceremonies to take place between January 23 and 29. A number of councils had already rescheduled their ceremonies to other days.


  1. Arts Recognition

    The Reserve Bank of Australia announces that it will update the $5 banknote to feature a new design that honours the culture and history of the First Australians. The new design will replace the portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The other side of the $5 banknote will continue to feature the Australian Parliament.

    I welcome the decision taken by the independent Reserve Bank to ensure that the new $5 note recognises and celebrates the culture and history and heritage of Indigenous Australians.

    — Jim Chalmers, Treasurer
  2. Sport Stamps

    In its Sporting Treasures issue, Australia Post publishes one stamp showing the tennis racket of Evonne Goolagong Cawley, the first Aboriginal person to compete in international tennis.

  3. Recognition

    The government announces the constitutional amendment and proposed Voice to Parliament referendum question:

    "A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?"

    The amendment and question were developed in consultation with the First Nations Referendum Working Group.

  4. Recognition

    The Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023 Bill introduces the proposed constitutional amendment into Parliament. A Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum will consider the Bill, accept public submissions and report by mid-May 2023.

  5. Yolngu lore man, Gumatj clan leader Dr G Yunupingu dies, aged 74. He was one of the most prominent and influential First Nations leaders, campaigning for Aboriginal rights, particularly land rights, and constitutional recognition of First Nations peoples.

  6. Recognition

    The Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) Bill that authorises the national referendum on the First Nations Voice passes the Senate 52 votes to 19, confirming the wording of the constitutional change to be put to Australians. This means the referendum must now be held in two to six months.

  7. Recognition

    Across Australia, tens of thousands of people attend events to show their support for the referendum and for Australians to vote 'yes'. Supporters take home more than 25,000 yard signs ('Vote Yes') to showcase their support.

  8. Stamps
    A prepaid envelope with a photo of Eddie Mabo and a quote from the Native Title Act.
    The prepaid envelope shows Eddie Mabo, a quote from the Native Title Act 1993 and as a stamp a graphic with the Southern Cross and two hands reaching out to each other.

    Australia Post releases a prepaid envelope celebrating 30 years of the landmark Native Title Act 1993. It features a photograph of Eddie Koiki Mabo on Mer island.

  9. Recognition

    The Australian Electoral Commission sends out referendum booklets to all households with a guide on how to vote and the full 'Yes' and 'No' campaign pamphlets.

  10. Recognition

    At a large community rally in Adelaide, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announces the referendum date as the 14 October, kickstarting a campaign to change Australia’s constitution for the first time in nearly half a century.

    On that day, every Australian will have a once in a generation chance to bring our country together. And to change it for the better. To vote for recognition, listening and better results.

    — PM Anthony Albanese
  11. Remains repatriation

    In a landmark example of cultural repatriation, Manchester museum returns more than 174 everyday objects to the Anindilyakwa community, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, off the northern coast of Australia. Items include dolls made from shells, baskets, fishing spears, boomerangs, armbands and a map made from turtle shells. Manchester Museum’s return of the objects is significant because repatriation projects normally revolve around sacred or ceremonial items. The museum’s head of collections had spent time on Groote Eylandt, and the community was directly involved in deciding what should be returned, and what should stay in Manchester.

    We have declared [Manchester Museum] is open to future repatriations, and we expect that this is part of the future of museums, not just ours, but other museums in the future.

    — Georgina Young, Head of Collections and Exhibitions, Manchester Museum
  12. Stolen wages

    The Western Australian government settles a class action by paying $180 million to thousands of former First Nations workers who were paid little or no wages, for some until they were 30 years old. Policies at the time allowed the state government to withhold up to 75% of a First Nations worker's wage. The state government later issued a public apology to the workers.

    Financial compensation is one way to acknowledge the suffering of First Nations people. It doesn't correct the past, but it offers a way forward.

    — Vicky Antzoulatos, Head of Class Actions, Shine Lawyers


View article sources (8)

[1] 'Anthony Albanese reveals ‘simple and clear’ wording of referendum question on Indigenous voice', The Guardian Australia 30/7/2022
[2] 'Historic legal win for Torres Strait Islanders over Australia’s inaction on climate change', SMH 26/9/2022
[3] 'Media Release: New $5 Banknote Design', Reserve Bank of Australia 2/2/2023
[4] 'King Charles won’t be on our next $5 note', SMH 2/2/2023
[5] Yes Campaign newsletter, 3/7/2023
[6] The Guardian, available at www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2023/aug/30/australia-news-live-updates-indigenous-voice-to-parliament-referendum-date-politics-anthony-albanese-china-climate-report-cost-of-living
[7] 'Indigenous artefacts from Groote Eylandt returned after decades in Manchester Museum, but 'several hundred' still remain', ABC News 6/9/2023
[8] [8a] 'Surviving Aboriginal workers and relatives win $180m settlement from WA government for stolen wages', ABC News 1/11/2023

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Korff, J 2025, Timeline results for , <https://creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/timeline/searchResults?page=56>, retrieved 29 March 2025

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