
Angels Gather Here


Angels Gather Here follows Jacki Trapman’s journey back to her hometown of Brewarrina in the north-west of New South Wales, to celebrate her parents’ 60th Wedding Anniversary.

Going home is never easy, and for Jackie it means facing the traumas of her past, her own personal struggles to survive grief, loss and addiction to become the strong university-educated Ngemba woman she is today.

The film provides a unique insight into the lives of one Aboriginal family over five generations and how past government policies continue to impact on Aboriginal people today.

Ultimately the film celebrates the resilience of the Trapman family. Their inspiring story symbolises the strength, dignity and resilience of many Aboriginal people in the face of adversity.



Release dates
2017 - Australia
Ronin Films
Nicolette Boaz

Song, "Follow the Sun", written and performed by Xavier Rudd

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Korff, J 2018, Angels Gather Here, <>, retrieved 14 March 2025

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