Copping it Black
Copping It Black follows detective Toni Alma, who is assigned to investigate a suspicious car accident in Perdar Theendar, the Aboriginal community she left as a child and has had little to do with over the years.
Clues will lead back to her own family, leading to Toni to navigate her way between past and present and the complexities and beauty of the Aboriginal art. The sometimes-devious practices in the global art market take Detective Toni Alma on an epic hunt for a killer.
Spanning her small Northern Territory community and art galleries across the globe, this is a murder mystery like no other, exploring culture, community and the very human pursuit of identity and belonging.
- Release dates
- 2021 - SBS on Demand
- Rating
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- eBay,
- National Library of Australia,
- SBS on Demand
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Other films by Erica Glynn & Steven McGregor
- 1996Marn Grook
- 1997Apekathe
- 1998My Bed Your Bed
- 2000Minymaku Way: There’s Only One Women’s Council
- 2001Ngangkari
- 2002Cold Turkey
- 2006My Brother Vinnie
- 2009In a League Of Their Own
- 2010Tales From The Daly: 'Nauiyu Nambiyu'
- 2010Intervention – 2 Years On
- 2011Running to America
- 2012Croker Island Exodus
- 2013Big Name No Blanket
- 2016Black Comedy (Season 2)
- 2016Servant or Slave
- 2017In My Own Words
- 2017The Warriors
- 2018Truth Be Told: Lest We Forget
- 2018She Who Must Be Loved
- 2018Black Comedy (Season 3)
- 2019Blue Water Empire
- 2019Black Comedy (Season 4)
- 2020Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky
- 2021Preppers
- 2022Dark Emu
- 2022True Colours
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