No Offence
This comedy documentary is a six-part factual series presented by YouTube sensation Gabriel Willie (aka Bush Tucker Bunjie).
Gabriel loves his swears and insults – but he can only swear in English when there are hundreds of local First Nations' languages in Australia.
The series follows Gabriel as he goes on the hunt for "bad words" in First Nations languages to replace the white swear words he uses so freely. Along the way, Gabriel uncovers some remarkable truths on First Nations’ languages and cultures.
Join Gabriel as he travels the country to find the best and only truly local "bad" words.
Episode guide
Episode 1: Gumbaynggirr
Gabriel lands in Mid North Coast NSW to learn some juicy words from a local language teacher. When he sees how much these words could add to our education, he gives us a glimpse to the best sitcom never made – 'Hanging with Mr Willie'.
Episode 2: Ugarapul
Gabriel visits another local mob from around Brisbane, and learns some cracker words from two community leaders - Sloane, who runs a male yarning circle, and Auntie Priscilla, who helps young women in need.
Episode 3: Yugambeh
Gabriel travels to Yugambeh Country, in South East Queensland, to meet a Yugambeh Auntie and get a feel for the words and their connection to country. But when a crow keeps stealing his stuff, he needs to call in help from his ranger mates.
Episode 4: Wulli Wulli
There's no place like home! Gabriel goes to visit his mob in Central East Queensland. He meets his mother Susan and his uncle Leslie to learn some words, and some other local mob who tell him what they really think of him.
Episode 5: Bundjalung
Gabriel heads to Northern NSW to learn about sharing language from several Bundjalung elders. When he learns how important sharing language is he calls his cousins for help to unleash their power on the local community.
Episode 6: Kalaw Kawaw Ya
Gabriel travels to the Torres Strait Islands to get a different perspective on swearing. When he realises his wishes might be harder to satisfy than normal in the islands, he resorts to every means possible to get his way.
- Release dates
- 18 December 2022 - ABC iView
- Rating
- M - Mature
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- eBay,
- National Library of Australia,
- SBS on Demand
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Other films by Gabriel Willie
- 2022Long Black
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