
One People Sing Freedom


One People Sing Freedom is important historically as it documents the protest march organised by Aboriginal peoples to protest the 1988 Bicentenary. The protest march in 1988 was the largest gathering of Aboriginal people since 1788, and the film places importance on counteracting the Australian nation’s pride in invading Aboriginal peoples’ lands in order to forge a future where a dialogue between the cultures takes place.

We see Aboriginal people in Northern Territory, Tasmania and Redfern making final preparations for the 1988 Bicentenary protest march, and the level of organisation that eventually led to a combined voice raised in opposition to the Australian Bicentenary celebrations.

40,000 Aboriginal people and supporters came from all corners of the country – foot, road, train and air – to march in Sydney on January 26, 1988. Their aim was to take a message to all Australians. This program shows the behind-the-scenes organisation involved in such a large demonstration, as well as the demonstrations themselves in Sydney, Hobart and Alice Springs.

Features Pat Dodson, Director Central Lands Council, and Aboriginal Activists Tiga Bayles and Gary Foley.


Ernie Dingo - narrator
Release dates
1988 - Australia
G - general

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Korff, J 2020, One People Sing Freedom, <>, retrieved 26 March 2025

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