Spin Out
Talented young Aboriginal boxer, Jimmy is in the wrong place at the wrong time, falsely accused by police of a crime he didn’t commit.
When he tries to explain his innocence and refuses arrest, he is thrown to the ground and tasered.
After the ordeal, all he wants to do is train, but he’s in excruciating pain and painkillers don’t seem to work. When he can’t take it anymore, he decides to go partying, and drops a couple of ecstasy tablets but soon begins to spin out.
- Awards
- Best Director and Best Actor - 2018 Fleurieu Film Festival 2017 South Australian Screen Awards
- Rating
- G - general
- Notes
Based on Dylan Coleman's unpublished novel Mazin Grace.
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- Try also
- eBay,
- National Library of Australia,
- SBS on Demand
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