The Australian Wars
A documentary series that tells the extraordinary story of Australia's First Wars - and calls for the First Peoples who died in these conflicts to be acknowledged by the nation and officially recognised by the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.
The Australian Wars is a documentary series which investigates the frontier conflicts between 1788 and 1928 and their impact, asks Australians who we are, and what we want to become.
Delving into the archival record of Australia, it brings the major battles, military tactics and the historical figures who engaged in this land battle that swept the country over a hundred year period. These are the wars that established the new nation Australia. From the battles in the upper Hawkesbury in 1791 and across the continent to the final stages of pastoral supremacy in the Kimberley.
The Australian Wars uses stunningly shot re-enactments, archival resources, artefacts, biographies and expert evidence to great effect.
Episode 1
The story of Australia's first wars, calling for the nation to acknowledge the First Peoples who died in these conflicts and for the Australian War Memorial to recognise them.
Episode 2
European immigration increases in Tasmania alongside the death count as Aboriginal people resist occupation and colonists encroach on the best land.
Episode 3
Although the Australian Wars began with the British Government, the founding fathers of modern Australia conclude it with northern Australia, the war's final frontier.
- Cast
- Rachel Perkins - Presenter
- Release dates
- 21 September 2022 - SBS and NITV (then weekly episodes)
- Rating
- M - Mature
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- Try also
- eBay,
- National Library of Australia,
- SBS on Demand
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Other films by Rachel Perkins
- 1993Freedom Ride – Blood Brothers
- 1998Radiance
- 2001One Night The Moon
- 2008First Australians
- 2010Bran Nue Dae (Brand new day)
- 2012Mabo
- 2012Redfern Now (Series 1)
- 2013Redfern Now (Series 2)
- 2014First Contact
- 2014Black Panther Woman
- 2015Promise Me
- 2016First Contact (Season 2)
- 2017Jasper Jones
- 2018Mystery Road (TV series, Season 1)
- 2019Total Control (Series 1)
- 2021First Wars
- 2021Total Control (Series 2)
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