Too Little Justice
Too Little Justice tells of "everyday" racism escalating into violence as an Indigenous school boy is forced to fight for dignity.
Too Little Justice was written as a response to the events and the media coverage of Sydney's "Redfern Riots" in early 2004, following the death of Aboriginal teenager TJ Hickey.

- Cast
- George Barker - Warren
Shannon Cole - John - Release dates
- 2004 - Australia
- Rating
- PG - Parental guidance
- Soundtrack
- Basil Hogios
- Notes
Dean Francis films include The Beat (2007) 9 min , Vermin (2006) 22 min, Deadline (2006) 5 min, Damage (2006) 48 min (TV Pilot), Afterlife (2005) 9 min, Go Fight Yourself (2005) 45 sec, Boy's Grammar (2005) 8 min, Transgression (2004) 7 min, Too Little Justice (2004) 5 min, Crazy Richard (2002) 64 min, I Can't Even Think Straight! (2000) 58 min (TV Pilot) , Dupion (2000) 11 min, Dysposia (1999) 21 min, Escape from Hell (1998) 9 min, Cult of Beauty (1998) 11 min.
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- Try also
- eBay,
- National Library of Australia,
- SBS on Demand
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